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What all does Aphrodite have dominion over?

We all know her association with love and beauty, and by extension lust and sex. But Aphrodite is a multi-faceted goddess with many different aspects she is associated with. Here are some you have heard of and some you may not have heard of.


Aphrodite is primarily known as the goddess of love, encompassing romantic, passionate, and intimate aspects of affection.


Aphrodite is the embodiment of beauty and physical attractiveness. She represents the idealized form of aesthetic appeal.


As the goddess of desire, Aphrodite is linked to the intense longing or craving for both emotional and physical connection.


Aphrodite is associated with fertility, emphasizing her role in the natural cycle of life, birth, and growth.


Aphrodite presides over sexuality, embracing the diverse expressions of human sensuality and sexual relationships.


Aphrodite is connected with pleasure in its various forms, including sensory delights, enjoyment, and gratification.


In addition to fertility, Aphrodite is a goddess of procreation, symbolizing the creation and continuation of life.


Aphrodite promotes harmony and balance, not only in romantic relationships but also in social interactions and the pursuit of beauty.


Aphrodite represents the unifying force of love, fostering connections between individuals and communities.


Aphrodite is often invoked in matters of marriage, guiding the union of couples and ensuring the longevity of their relationships.


In some traditions, Aphrodite is linked to the sea, particularly through her birth from sea foam. This association symbolizes her connection to both beauty and the vastness of the ocean.

We offer numerous products including body buttersbody oilsmilk baths, and salt soaks, associated with and dedicated to Aphrodite. By offering these products in our store, we hope to not only honor the goddess of love, but also provide our customers with a luxurious and indulgent experience. So next time you shop our store, let yourself be transported to the world of Aphrodite and embrace your inner goddess. As George Bernard Shaw once said, “Beauty is all about confidence and attitude. Let Aphrodite inspire you.”

1 thought on “What all does Aphrodite have dominion over?

  1. […] multiple affairs outside of their official marriages. This was simply an attribute of the divine. Aphrodite was no exception, and like other deities, her unions had their own metaphors and meanings. […]

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