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Symbols associated with Aphrodite

This is going to be pretty straightforward, with no embellishments. Here is the list of Aphrodite’s symbols along with a short blurb about each one.

  • Dove: The dove is a symbol of love and peace, and it is often associated with Aphrodite. According to Greek mythology, doves were sacred to Aphrodite, and they were her birds of choice.
  • Mirror: Aphrodite is often depicted with a mirror, symbolizing her association with beauty and self-admiration. The mirror represents vanity and the contemplation of one’s own physical appearance.
  • Rose: The rose is a symbol of love and beauty and is associated with Aphrodite. According to myth, the rose was created when Aphrodite’s tears mixed with the blood of her lover Adonis.
  • Seashell: Aphrodite was born from the sea foam, and seashells are often associated with her. The famous image of Aphrodite rising from the sea is a prevalent depiction in art and literature.
  • Myrtle: The myrtle plant is sacred to Aphrodite and is often used in her religious rituals. It symbolizes love, fertility, and immortality.

  • Girdle or Belt: In some myths, Aphrodite possesses a magical girdle or belt, known as the cestus, which enhances her beauty and allure. This attribute underscores her seductive and irresistible qualities.
  • Swan: The swan is another bird associated with Aphrodite, and it symbolizes grace and beauty. In some myths, Zeus transformed into a swan during his encounters with Aphrodite.
  • Apple: The apple is connected to the Judgment of Paris, a myth in which Paris, a Trojan prince, had to choose the fairest goddess among Hera, Athena, and Aphrodite. Aphrodite, offering Paris the most beautiful mortal woman, Helen, was awarded the golden apple.
  • Pomegranate: In some myths, the pomegranate is associated with Aphrodite and symbolizes fertility and abundance.
  • Laurel Wreath: In ancient Greece, Aphrodite was sometimes crowned with a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory and honor. This represents her prowess in the realm of love and beauty.
  • Cypress Tree: The cypress tree is sacred to Aphrodite and is often associated with love and death. In some myths, it is linked to the story of Adonis, her lover.
  • Sparrow: In some ancient Greek art and literature, the sparrow is associated with Aphrodite, symbolizing her playful and amorous nature.
  • Pearl: Pearls are often linked to Aphrodite and represent purity and beauty. According to some myths, pearls were formed when Aphrodite emerged from the sea.
  • Coral: Aphrodite’s connection to the sea also extends to coral, which is considered a sacred gem associated with her.
  • Honey: Aphrodite is sometimes associated with honey, representing sweetness and the pleasures of love.
  • Red Color: The color red is often associated with Aphrodite, symbolizing passion, desire, and the intense emotions of love.

We offer numerous products including body butters, body oils, milk baths, and salt soaks, associated with and dedicated to Aphrodite. By offering these products in our store, we hope to not only honor the goddess of love, but also provide our customers with a luxurious and indulgent experience. So next time you shop our store, let yourself be transported to the world of Aphrodite and embrace your inner goddess. As George Bernard Shaw once said, “Beauty is all about confidence and attitude. Let Aphrodite inspire you.”