• What is premium packaging and how can i get it?
    • Premium packaging is when we decorate the inside of your box with beautiful dried flowers, perfect for gifting or treating yourself. To qualify your order for premium packaging, your order total must equal $30 or more before taxes.
  • What exactly are Flora bombs?
    • Flora bombs start off as a base of recycled paper pulp to which flower seeds are added to. That mixture is then shaped and dried out. The bombs are an easier alternative to carrying around loose seed. The paper pulp is more secure than carrying unsecured seed haphazardly and it provides enough of a starter, much like peat, until the seeds are able to root in soil.
  • What varieties of flowers are included in the Flora bombs?
    • Our bombs include a mix of annual and perennial varieties.
      • Cornflower
      • Coneflower
      • Poppy
      • Cosmos
      • Black Eyed Susan
      • Daisy
      • Coreopsis
      • Lupine
      • Flax
      • Phlox
      • Wallflower
      • Blanketflower
      • Baby’s Breath
  • I’ve heard that these flowers are non-native and/or invasive for the natural biome where I live. Is it safe to plant the seed bombs?
    • Some of the flowers are likely to be non-native, and this means that the bees that live in your area may not be attracted to those species. But they are more likely to be attracted to multiple other flower species in the mix, considering the wide variety included. We are working to tailor our seed mixes to better suit specific regions.
    • The California Poppy is classified as a “pest” only within the U.S., specifically in the southeast region. It should be noted “no indications of ill effects have been reported for this plant where it has been introduced outside of California” (source).
    • Our seed mixes do not contain any Forget-Me-Not varieties.
  • Are your products vegan?
    • Yes. As we strive for full sustainability, all of our products are also cruelty free and vegan. We list ingredients where we can.
  • Why don’t you have the “Cruelty Free Bunny” or any other logos displayed?
    • Businesses must pay a regular fee to whichever governing organization that has the authority to verify the businesses’ claims, such as PETA, to use those logos. Since we are a small business, we have not yet deemed it necessary.
  • How do we set our prices?
    • Here are all factors we consider when setting prices:
      • Sourcing and shipping costs of all products, including the liability of potentially defective products
      • Labor costs for the handmade products
      • A built in shipping fee, so if you are in the U.S., you are not charged extra for shipping at checkout
      • The slightly pricier cost of eco-friendly packaging
      • The fee charged by our payment vendor for electronic payment processing, which is a percentage + flat fee per transaction
      • Free flora bombs included in every order
      • Maintaining a web domain, office equipment, specialized crafting tools, workspace necessities, this list seems endless…